Delta DT Advance

263 Tresser Blvd, Stamford CT 06901

Reduce Payments & Manage Cash Flow

Direct Funder for Reverse Consolidations

Serving ISOs is what we do at Delta DT Advance.

Finding and retaining top performing partners is vital to our mission. We dedicate our full support, customer service and state-of-the-art technology to you – empowering you to generate more revenue and close more deals, faster.

We know opportunities don’t wait.

Because your time is valuable, our expert team of Underwriters and ISO Relationship Managers are geared towards approving your merchant deals – fast.

Now you can focus on what you do best, creating more leads and closing more deals.

Technology drives opportunity.

Our tool set is your turn-key solution. Handle your deals from initial sign-up to refinancing & performance tracking.

Price Calculator

Craft the best offer for you and your merchant. Reduce approval time to nearly zero by avoiding resubmission for different factors & terms. Control the deal.


Don't waste time with incomplete and unclear contracts. DocuSign allows your merchant to fast-track paperwork.

Real-Time Performance Dashboard

Access real-time reporting and get the full picture on your deals' performance

No deal
is too tough for us.

Funding the hardest deals has always been our “bread & butter” – making other deals a “piece of cake.”

We welcome all small businesses with at least 3 months operational history and any FICO score. A direct line to a dedicated ISO account executive provides the necessary support to accommodate even credit challenged merchants in virtually any industry nationwide.

You work hard.
We reward!

Remember that time you spent weeks on a single lead, only to lose the deal? We do. We recognize your hard work, and protect you accordingly.

Technology drives opportunity.

Our tool set is your turn-key solution. Handle your deals from initial sign-up to refinancing & performance tracking.

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